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Monthly Archives: June 2024

Don't Ignore These Transmission Warning Signs!

Don't Ignore These Transmission Warning Signs!

Ever felt a strange shudder while driving or heard an unusual noise coming from your car? These could be early indicators that your transmission is in trouble. Ignoring these warning signs can lead to major repairs and even put your safety at risk. We're dedicated to helping you understand the critical signs of transmission problems and what you should do about them. Understanding the Transmission's Role Your car's transmission is shifting gears and transmitting power from the engine to the wheels. It ensures that the engine runs at an optimal speed, whether you're accelerating on the highway or cruising through city streets. Given its complex and vital role, the transmission requires regular maintenance and prompt attention at the first sign of trouble. Common Transmission Warning Signs1. Slipping Gears One of the most noticeable signs of transmission trouble is slipping gears. This occurs when your vehicle unexpe ... read more